A Murder is Announced!

 Oh hello!

IT's me again!

Isn't the title itself catchy? Maybe few could have guessed the what am gonna say about, it's a book review blog again.

Book Name - A Murder is Announced!

Author - Agatha Christie

You wonder now right, how can a murder take place if it's announced? Obviously, it could be stopped right if it's announced?

Yeah, I too did have these questions while taking up this book.

When this invitation of murder was announced people of Chipping Cleghorn arrived at Little Padlocks in curiosity. People have started arriving & lights go off without warning. Then, we know the next part.....MURDER.

So, now it's time for our detective Jane Marple & she carries the story beautifully in the flow. As usual, she solves the mystery.....

If you are a person, who loves mystery, detective, thriller genre..... Then, it's a best book which I would recommend.

Best Regards,

Cheery Popsy ❤
